

She's considered one of the best actresses of our generation, and now Kate Winslet has something else to show for it.

凱特·溫絲萊特(Kate Winslet)是最傑出確噹代女演員之一,現正在她除此之外又多了另外一個新頭啣:爵士。

The Oscar-winning actress, 37, was given the prestigious CBE honor for services to drama by Queen Elizabeth II herself during a ceremony at Buckingham Palace in London today, Nov. 21. CBE standing for Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire -- pretty snazzy, huh?

果為在戲劇上演範疇的杰出奉獻,這位37歲的奧斯卡影後於当地時光11月21日在白金漢宮蒙受了英女王伊麗莎白兩世的獎勵。她获得的CBE勳章屬於“年夜英帝國最優良勳章”(The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire,簡稱“大年夜英帝國勳章”或“不列顛帝國勳章”是英國授勳及獎勵軌造中的一種。譯者注)——這個新頭啣实富麗,不是嗎?

"The sense of gravity is enormous and you very much feel you are being acknowledged by the whole country in a way,",中翻日; Winslet said on receiving her honor.



Looking sharp in a fitted black skirt suit and sporting a black-and-white feathered hair-piece by Natalie Ellner for Ellsewhere, Winslet chatted with the Queen after accepting her medal.



"It was such an honor to meet the Queen, it was my first time," Winslet said, adding, "She told me that she was delighted to be presenting me with my award and then asked whether I liked my job. I told her that I loved it but I love being a mom even more."



"The Queen said ‘Yes, that’s the only job which matters.’ What a genuinely lovely thing to say,翻譯!" the actress continued. "And I couldn’t agree with her more."



Winslet's two children Mia, 12, and Joe, 8, were on hand to support their mom during her memorable ceremony.


